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Choch Rabbits' Sister Day

Writer's picture: Posh PearPosh Pear

One week after Autumn Cleaning would be Sister Day! Sister Day was a common holiday in Sylvania, so it was unknown to the Hopscotch Rabbits and the Tuxedo Cats. Teri Choch and her family celebrated it, so when Teri moved and called Heidi about Sister Day for the first time, it was quite the surprise. Heidi became used to receiving a call from Teri on Sister Day and soon presents were also sent since her sister used to live in Sylvania.

Sister Day all started a long time ago in Sylvania when two darling twin sisters were born. They were born in a small town, where farming was just for your family and once in a while you traded your goods. The younger sister loved the bustling and lively town and moved up north to where the most active town was (back then). She married a wealthy critter who gave her everything she could possibly dream of. The older sister liked the quiet farm life and happily married a farmer and moved south and farmed, raising many children along the way. One day in autumn, both sisters realized that they had been neglecting each other, so they wrote letters asking to meeting up at their hometown on that day. News spread that two different sisters met up in autumn at their hometown and many embraced this idea. Therefore, that day was named Sister Day.

After years, Heidi knew what day was Sister Day and she was glad she could spend it with Teri, and now that Teri lived in the Cloverleaf Countryside, it would be even better. That morning, when Heidi was enjoying a cup of tea while Harlin was upstairs getting ready for work, the phone rang. Heidi smiled and picked up, of course it was Teri. “Good morning!” Teri said cheerfully, “Happy Sister Day!”

“Good morning, Teri, and happy Sister Day! I have a lot of activities planned and I already cooked the meals, so I’ll be free for today. The kids agreed to watch the babies and have Sister Day activities themselves.”

“Wonderful, I have the day planned out too! Just relaxing and spending time together!” replied Teri.

They decided they would do one of Teri’s favorite activities together, going over to Flour to Dough (the Tuxedo Cats’ bakery) and buying bread. Teri was never one to stay home, so she loved getting into her Cherry Cruiser with Freya, Breeze and Kabe and buying bread for breakfast. Heidi walked on over and sure enough, Teri arrived soon after. Freya, Breeze and Kabe were all staying over at the Tuxedo Residency for a playdate. The children ran inside to play, while Heidi and Teri selected breads.

Lily went outside and helped work at the cash register and after the sisters paid, they decided that a nice picnic at tye field in between their houses would do nicely. Heidi brought out the fancy tea set Natalie had gotten her, knowing Teri, she would love the fancier set. (Heidi did exclude a few items)

Teri grabbed her fancy white plates and the two settled down in the field. They chatted and giggled away as if they were little children sitting in their mother’s garden again. “Oh and remember when you invited Harlin home for dinner for the first time!” laughed Teri, “I remember he insisted on doing all the housework while us Choch’s relaxed.”

Heidi smiled, “It’s hard to forget how stunned mom was. Dad approved of Harlin so fast.”

Time was spent taking a stroll past memory lane before Heidi mentioned that they should watch the Housing Channel with Natalie. Today’s features were beautiful side tables, fridges and cabinets that all had lovely drawers. The ladies nodded in agreement, drawers were so useful!

Natalie says, “I love drawers! My fridge has three! Ice, ice cream and a drawer for the things Mason needs to make bread!”

“I know right?! The nightstand, which is now a cabinet, has a beautiful drawer that stores my forks,” adds Teri.

“I love my kitchen drawers,” agreed Heidi, “They store some plates and spoons.”

The day went on happily, Teri and Heidi even went to town to have a nice day out. After returning home, Heidi suggested they do some cooking together, like they used to when they were teenagers. It took Teri a while, but she agreed, even suggesting they cook at her house. “Harlin said he’s fine with it,” Heidi said, “C’mon let’s go!”

Heidi packed many cooking implements into Teri’s car.

Then the sisters picked up Freya, then Breeze and Kabe before finally reaching the Lakeside Lodge. Freya helps her younger siblings shower while Teri and Heidi prepare dinner. “I’ll teach you how to make a proper tomato soup and we can even hand roll biscuits!” Heidi said cheerfully.

Teri just smiled, she was busy unpacking all the items from the car. The ladie start with hand rolling, Teri was slightly reluctant. “I am not getting any flour on my dress!!” she stated.

The sisters worked fast, remembering their country roots. As the women cooked, the Chocolate Rabbit children played tag outside. The biscuits went into the oven, looking perfect.

Now it was time to cook tomato soup! Heidi cut up the tomato and emptied most of its insides with Teri’s spoon. Meanwhile, Teri was filling up her sister’s pot with water from the sink before putting it on the stove to boil. Heidi picked out the seeds from the tomato’s innards and dumped everything into the pot. “Aren’t you going to throw away the seeds?” asked Teri, “I do have a garbage disposal. It goes directly to the Cloverleaf Corners compost system.”

Teri pointed to the tall drawer beside the dish washer. Heidi had never heard of a garbage disposal before, the closest thing she had was a sink shredder, that shredded the tiniest leftover crumbs and transported it to the compost system, nothing ever went to waste. Though it wasn’t used most of the time, the dishes Heidi cooked used all part of the vegetables, even the seeds.

Heidi shook her head, “Grilled vegetable seeds are crunchy and full of flavor after they’re grilled. It’d be a great topping on your salad.”

The critters got to work, Heidi taught Teri how to grill seeds. Baked pepper and cucumber was another dish along with the plain biscuits and tomato soup. Teri washed the vegetables, while her younger sister prepared them.

Soon everything was out on Teri’s large table.

“It smells so good!” raves young Freya.

Breeze and Kabe nod in agreement and the plates are passed along. (WIth Breeze and Kabe sharing one) There was tomato soup, plain biscuits, grilled cucumber and pepper with crunchy seeds on top and zesty lemonade. Heidi stayed for dinner and when she got home she told her children all about her Sister Day with Teri.


1 Comment

Cheri Tama
Cheri Tama
Nov 30, 2021

I love this idea! Spending the day wit your sister is very important :)


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