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Double Birthday

Writer's picture: Posh PearPosh Pear

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Now that Teri and Freya were settled in, they loved visiting the Hopscotch Rabbits' home. They came for afternoon coffee or morning tea. Visiting the Lakeside Lodge was also enjoyable. David and Skip loved jumping into the hot tub, but was later lectured by Heidi not to love the lodge just for its extras. The new baby guests were quiet and adorable. Olive became Hopper's new exploring mate, and Ginni adored tea parties with Honey and Breeze at the Toy Shop. Henry mixed well with anyone. Freya joined Karen and Bell's book club too. Karen and David also got some news about their parents' and their business. "I absolutely love those burgers! Once in a while mother and father treat me to one, they're so good!" Freya told Karen and David.

Then Hopper and Honey's birthday arrived! Everyone wanted to make this a special day for the twins. Before they awoke, Heidi was heating up some donuts. Heidi wanted to give these donuts to all the babies. Harlin didn't have work today (courtesy of the Hopper Kangaroos) but was hustling and bustling in and out of the house. When Bell and Skip woke up they entered the kitchen and whispered to Heidi, "Can we go to the Toy Shop with you later?"

Heidi whispered back, "Of course, do the Chiffon Dogs want to come?"

Bell replies, "I believe they do."

Then there were crying noises upstairs, David and Karen came down, holding Hopper and Ginni. Both had woken up. Hopper is given a warm bottle and Karen goes upstairs and gives Ginni a refreshing bath. Soon all the babies wake up and the children tend to them. Today’s breakfast was bread and leftover carrot soup. Karen and David are discussing their plans for the twins’ gifts. “Let’s call our parents, see how much credit they can give us,” suggested David.

“Okay,” Karen answered, “Now what should we get them?”

“How about some puzzle blocks for Hopper and a teddy bear for Honey?”

“Good idea, but perhaps a toy boat for Hopper? He likes moving around.” Karen said.

It was true that Hopper explored every small nook and cranny of the Deluxe Village House. It was strange that Hopper still loved exploring. David thought about Karen's idea and replied, "Yeah, Hopper will probably enjoy a boat more."

After breakfast, they called Delia and Gordon. Their parents said they'll make sure they'll send credit. "Well, we're all set, we just have to buy the toys now," announced David.

Soon every baby in the house awoke. "Good morning, birthday girl," Bell said sing song-y.

Honey cooed happily and was joined by Ginni and Breeze. Bell chopped up a donut and split it between the three of them and started a tea party. Karen let Hopper and Olive explore the second floor and she wouldn't put them back on bed. Of course, she was secretly watching.

Henry was given a fun bubble bath from Skip and all was well. After the bubble bath, Skip was cleaning the bathroom when he looked out the bathroom window. He sees his father building the twins' birthday present. He shouts and waves! Harlin makes the be quiet signal and waves too.

In the kitchen, Heidi is cooking wonderful dishes for tonight. Pots are clanging, Heidi is moving and the food is cooking. Heidi decides to phone her sister, Teri. Ring, ring goes the phone at the Lakeside Lodge. "Hello?" answers Teri.

Heidi replies, "You're still coming for some tea this afternoon right? It is the special day!"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I," says Teri, "Oh and can Harlin open up the Toy Shop for me. I'll be there in 20 minutes and then go straight to your home."

"Sure, I'll tell him right now, bye sis."

At the Lakeside Lodge, Freya is showering. She wants to look her best today. Breeze is playing the piano upstairs. Teri goes upstairs with a cup of lemonade and looks at the view from the balcony. Freya joins her and Teri explains that they'll make a quick stop at the Toy Shop. Freya says, "I'm so excited! Let's get some picture books for them!"

"That's a great idea," Teri says. “Well off we go."

Sure enough Harlin had opened the store for the Chocolate Rabbits. They picked out 2 picture books. One titled: The House in the Woods; and the other was titled: Alphabet ABC. It even came with a straw basket for storage.

They returned to their car and started driving to the Hopscotch Rabbits’ home. Harlin was sort of following them too, given that they were both driving to the same destination. Bell opened the door and greeted them. The adults sat in the living room and had tea and tarts. The children and babies upstairs were playing. Heidi suggested that they have the birthday party at Teri’s and they agreed. The children upstairs were playing hide and seek. The only one still hidden was Freya, but then her mother called and she and Breeze had to go home. “Bye!” called Karen, “See you later!”

After Teri left, Harlin passed Heidi the keys to the shop and all the 4 children boarded the Seven Seater. Heidi drove them to the shop and they picked out gifts. When they got back, Heidi was cooking up a feast. Heidi kept mumbling to herself, “There has to be at least 2 courses.”

She rushes to the kitchen with a new idea. All the children are carefully hiding their gifts and will reveal them later. Then one by one they go take a refreshing shower. Harlin was still outside, gently loading his gift into the back of the car. Skip came out and helped open the door for him. Harlin whispered to Skip the toy he purchased and Skip started hopping up and down with glee.

At 4:00, everyone got into the car and was ready to go to the Lakeside Lodge for a party. None of the babies understood what was happening, but were still pretty joyful. When they arrived they grabbed their gifts and walked toward the Lakeside Lodge.

Heidi and Harlin had to drive back and pick up the dinner Heidi had cooked. Teri let all the children and babies in and told them to make themselves welcome. All the presents were put to the side. On the large wooden dining table were some party foods Teri had bought. Teri never really enjoyed cooking, so she always bought food. Freya showed Karen and Bell the view at the balcony. Skip and David took off their shirts and jumped into the hot tub (that could also be converted into a shower). The babies were glad to see Breeze again, who now lived at the Lakeside Lodge. By 5:00, Heidi and Harlin arrived with the food and set it on the table. Everyone was enjoying themselves!

Then it was time to open the gifts and eat delicious desserts. There was cake, tart cake, tarts and donuts all bought from the village cake shop. As Heidi cleared the table and put the desserts, Harlin passed out glasses of ice cold lemonade. After the desserts were set, everyone got a dessert, while the babies went upstairs to watch the present opening from above. Everyone else shouted, "Open mine first!"

Before they opened the gifts, Teri and Freya placed their party hats on their little heads, though it wasn't the best fit. Next, Honey and Hopper opened Heidi and Bell's present first. Honey received a tea set, and Hopper got a pull toy duck. They also loved Karen and David's gifts. The teddy bear would now be their other teddy bear's best friend. Honey and Hopper kept flipping through the books Teri and Freya got for them. Finally it was time for Harlin and Skip's gift. They madly ripped the wrapping paper to find a seesaw! The other babies kept wanting a chance to get on it.


1 komentář

Debra Anderson
Debra Anderson
29. 9. 2020

Happy Birthday Hopper and Honey!

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