“So it’s settled then?” William Cinnamon, assigned editor to the Calico Times’ VERY TERI column, asked Teri herself.
“Yes, I’ll do the interview. I guess that makes me a celebrity in a sense with people wanting to read my personal interview. So who is the new junior editor stationed here? We don’t have any hotels or lodges here just so you know.” Teri answered with curiosity over the phone.

Although Teri was boastful of her social status, William couldn’t deny that Teri wasn’t a popular writer. Many critters skipped to the VERY TERI column immediately after getting their paper daily. They loved her takes as a lifestyle influencer, and she had a personality that shined through the pages. He answered respectfully, “Well, the newspaper office did consider that. I think the countryside is going to be thrilled to see that Felicia Tuxedo Cat is going to be stationed here. She was especially picked for her up and coming writing skills and ability to lodge with her parents. You see, she started out as a talented photographer with a university degree, but helped with a few short columns here and there. Pretty soon, the agency saw her writing talent and she made a career pivot. She got the news today, and I’m guessing her parents will receive the news by letter within the week.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for the Tuxedo Cat family! They have brought up missing Felicia for the years she’s been studying at the university. And then she graduated with a job far away from home, too. I won’t ruin the surprise! When is she starting here?”
“Next Tuesday, but I believe she made ride arrangements to arrive on Saturday afternoon. That would give her the weekend to settle in.”
“Well, I can’t talk much longer, Mr. Chocolate. I need to prepare lunch for my daughters now.”
“Of course, Mrs. T. Choch. It was a pleasure talking to you today.”
The whole countryside knew it when the Tuxedo Cat family found out about Felicia’s new job posting. Natalie couldn’t drop the subject at mothers’ teatime. Lily and Rose wouldn’t stop talking about it, either.
“We’ll have to get a basic shelf for her. She might have gained a few important possessions during her time in town.” Mason firmly decided. He was very happy for Felicia’s return. So, the family commissioned a custom shelf of smoothened mahogany wood to put in Lily’s and Rose's bedroom, where Felicia would be sleeping. “It’s so fancy,” Rose admired.

Saturday finally came. Mason had asked to borrow Harlin’s car many days in advance. Felicia would be waiting for him in town. When Felicia saw her father, she was overjoyed. “Oh, father, it’s been so long!” she exclaimed. Mason smiled. He had missed Felicia. “Let me help you with your shoulder bag, Felicia. And I noticed the very fancy outfit you have there.”

Felica was dressed in a sharp, white blouse with a sleek pair of gray trousers. To accessorize, she had on attention grabbing red high heels, a necklace, and a cute hair band.

“It’s the trend. You know I have to dress professionally. Lily and Rose will adore my new outfits. I bought a bunch from town.”
Mason figured it out. “So that’s what you have in your shoulder bag,” he said to which Felicia replied, “Yup. You’d be surprised how well you can compress clothes with the right packing skills.”
As the car neared the cats’ delightful house, Felicia happily remarked, “Oh, it’s so beautiful! The colors! And, that smell is so good! What’s cooking?” Mason explained that Natalie and her daughters were making omelets for Felicia. Plus, there was the add in of all the good bread Mason sold.
Mason dropped his eldest daughter off at the front door to wait for him. He was going to park the car in front of the neighbor Harlin’s house and make the short walk to his own house’s patio.
Felicia knocked twice, bursting with excitement.

She had missed her family so much, and signed up the first chance she could to get stationed in the countryside. (Even though her parents offered for Felicia to eat, drink, and sleep for free at their house, Felicia insisted that she was to pay them some credits for her salary).
Natalie swung open the door, already knowing who was at the door.
“Oh, Felicia!” Natalie squealed.
“Felicia!” Lily and Rose joined in the name calling.
“Lily! Rose!” their sister yelled back. “Mother, father, I have missed you all so much.” Ginni and Olive joined in the merriment. Felicia was very nice to them, and her sparkly necklace caught the babies’ curious eye.
The cats reunionized and talked long about all that their mind thought of. Over this lengthy and heartwarming conversation, Felicia enjoyed her father’s freshly baked croissant. Although the ingredients simply consisted of vegan milk, vegan eggs, flour, water, butter, and yeast there was a wonderful cooking magic that happened when Mason combined them into dough.
And then, the topic of Felicia’s fashion sense was brought up.
“I love your outfit!” Rose complimented. “The headband is so cute!” Lily built on.
Then, the mother figure had to chide. “Yes, but isn’t this all a bit more extravagant than necessary?”
“Oh mother, this is all fashion. The heels are some of the newest from the boutique,” Felicia defended as she started unpacking her bags. She revealed another skirt, her reading glasses, a high class dress, a jeweled necklace, and the red handbag she had with her this whole time. Her younger sisters were amazed at the pretty clothing.
“This material is so soft,” Lily commented as she felt her paws on Felicia’s irresistible skirt. Gently, the sisters took great fun in arranging Felicia’s clothing on the shelf, which Felicia commented the craftsmanship as “stunningly beautiful.”
“Oh mother, may we please try some on one day?” Rose pestered.
“No, you two are both two young for this fancy, fancy clothing!” Natalie ordered before insisting Felicia get the whole house tour in detail. She was shown all three floors by the family. Dinner, bread with cheese and hard boiled eggs, was served in much chatter. It had been such a long while since the last time the Tuxedo Cat Family gathered to eat a meal as a whole family. “Oh, I have missed these warm, get together meals,” Felicia communicated as she helped herself to another bite of bread smeared with soft cheese. The dish was one of Natalie’s personal favorites.
The weekend was great for the Tuxedo Cats (and Ginni who joined in on the fun). Together, the cats spent as much time together as possible. Mason showed her eldest daughter his secret bread recipe with key elements and secrets being let out.
“Gently knead that dough to give it the fluffiness,” he said.

By the end of all his teachings, Felicia could whip up a fine baguette independently. Felicia wowed her sisters and the babies with fresh tales of her life in town. They could picture how elegant the streets were and how delicious the gelato would be. According to Felicia, all the girls had a pair of go to pumps for best dress. It was Lily’s and Rose’s dream to be like their sister one day. She was so well dressed, confident, and a fun person in general.
Then, on that sunny Sunday, Felicia insisted that she had to put on a personal fashion show by the small patio. She was to show all the various outfits she had for various occasions. The girls in the house jumped with excitement, and Mason watched to participate in the family interest. Felicia showed many outfits ranging from a simple day dress accessorized with a necklace to a two piece skirt and top.

She walked with a steady pace back and forth. When she was finished showing each at every comprehensive angle, she asked everyone for their opinions. Lily, Rose, and Natalie were bursting with them.
“The headband matches the pants!” they said. Or a gentle “Be careful in those heels!” from Natalie Charcoal Cat.
Tuesday came quickly with an eager to please Felicia. To start the day, she began as she usually would in town: looking for the day’s outfit. From all she had been told and assumed, the countryside was a simplistic place. She put on a simple day dress and added red heels for professionalism. To give herself a bit of a pop, a black headband was in order. With a short pencil and memo cards packed in her bag, Felicia prepared herself for the very long walk to Teri’s Lakeside Lodge. Upon Mason’s insistence that Felicia not show up empty handed, Felicia took a cat shaped bread for her own breakfast and a rabbit shaped one for Teri. The bread smelled wonderful as the morning’s fresh bakes. Felicia’s mother wondered how Felicia could possibly do it in heels, but Felicia was truly an expert in heel walking. Click click her heels went as Felicia finally neared Teri’s Lakeside Lodge and knocked. The cat shaped bread she had with her this morning was long gone.
Teri swung upon the door in her usual exclusive party patterned dress. “Why, hello! You must be Felicia!”
“Yes, yes, it’s very nice to meet you in person! I read your column regularly and what you have to say is so interesting. This is for you!” Felicia handed Teri the bread.

“That’s so thoughtful of you. Please, do come in. We can have some lemonade as you’re working. And, Felicia, that dress is so chic.” Teri ushered Felicia to sit on her Party Set’s table, while she gathered two cups of lemonade.
“Alright, let’s begin with some simple icebreakers before we get into some deeper questions,” Felicia prompted.
The interview went well with a range of questions from Teri’s favorite fashion advice to what type of music she favored.

By the end of the interview, Felicia had a well written article combining humor with information. It was amazing how fast she could come up with what to write and hand write it all down. The only thing left to do was ask Teri to borrow her Cherry Cruiser to drive into town.
“I’ll deliver your VERY TERI, too, Mrs. T. Choch.”
“Oh, you can drive?” Teri questioned.
“Yes, yes. I signed myself up for the university courses, and they gave us hands-on practice. I’d call myself a decent driver.” Felicia did turn out to be an excellent driver from Teri’s observations. Her turns were smooth and her hands were always steadily on the wheel. Even Freya had to remark approvingly, “She sure is a good driver,” from the window. When Felicia drove back to return her car, Teri insisted that she drive Felicia back. Felicia declined the offer, saying that the long walk would be a great way to experience all the countryside had to offer. The air was fresh, and the scenery was naturally untouched.
By the end of the day, Felicia had showered at the Hopscotchs’ house and was all ready for dinner. The twins had just set the table with a basket of assorted breads. Natalie was in the final stirs of a mysterious soup in her pot in the kitchen.

Noticing the curious facial expressions on both her eldest daughter and husband, Natalie announced that she had tried a new recipe: vegan egg soup with garnishes of cucumber skin and chunks of tomato. According to the newspaper Natalie had read on a particular day, cucumber skin gave hydration and nutrients. The soup was perfect to be dipped by Mason’s delicious bread.
At the dinner table, conversation was abundant. Compliments and divine praise went out to this new dish. In addition, Felicia received many questions about the contents of her interview, but she responded that they would have to wait for the interview edition to come out. She also had her new assignment, an explanatory article of the homeschooling system in the countryside, to think about by next Monday. But the biggest thought she had of all was how much she would be enjoying her stay here.
Happy New Year, Ali and Yosemite! I loved this tale about Felicia, she's such an elegant and confident cat. I can't wait to see what she'll add to your already wonderous stories!